Kamis, 08 Maret 2012

this is when i did my training at Sheraton Hotel Kuala Lumpur

as supervisor hk i have to check the room that was clean by room maid this picture show when i check the glass whether there will be a finger marks or no
and still clean or no..

and have to check the complete things in that room,for example is brosur,stationery,based on the sop of that room. otherwise,we as a supervisor have to complete the minus things in that room..

the important things that we have to check its about the defect in  room which is light,ac,door handle,etc. if there is any broken as supervisor,have to report to engineering dept to repair that.
thiss is the picture when my senior who trainee me as supervisor,check the tv wall light

this is me when trained in Front Office dept we called it as a Guest Service Centre but the duty is same with telephone operator. But we have to handle more than the duty of operator such as key in order for in room dining,handle reservation of the restaurant that has not open at the moment,operate a system which is connected to another dept (bell man,hk,runner,security,gsm)
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Cara untuk menghilangkan stress

Stress merupakan keadaan di mana kita merasa sangat penat, terbebani, dan perasaan yang tidak karuhan. Mulai dari anak kecil sampai orang dewasa pun bisa mengalami stress, hanya saja pada anak-anak mungkin tidak sesering orang dewasa yang biasanya sering mengalami stress karena pusing terlalu banyak pekerjaan.

Berikut ada beberapa tips, 10 Cara Mengatasi Stress:

1. Berpikir Positif
Optimisme dapat menangkal dampak negatif stres, ketegangan dan kecemasan telah di sistem kekebalan tubuh Anda dan kesejahteraan. Sangat penting untuk mengelilingi diri dengan orang-orang positif. Getaran negatif dari teman-teman dan rekan kerja dapat menyebar, sehingga sulit bagi Anda untuk bersantai. Lihatlah situasi tertentu berbeda. Mungkin cara Anda mencari mungkin menyebabkan tekanan yang banyak.
2. Tidur
Aktivitas ini bisa dibilang efektif. Mendapatkan tidur nyenyak yang cukup memiliki dampak besar pada tingkat stres Anda. Fungsi kekebalan dan ketahanan terhadap penyakit pun bangkit.
Tidur tidak hanya mengurangi tingkat pemulihan Anda. Tapi ingat, ini bsia juga meningkatkan tingkat stres dalam tubuh Anda jika kadarnya berlebih. Jadi, jangan kesiangan karena ini akan membuat Anda bertambah lesu.
3. Tertawa
Tawa luka stres dan mempromosikan relaksasi. Itu, pada gilirannya, membantu sel-sel kekebalan tubuh berfungsi lebih baik. Temukan humor dalam hal-hal dan terlibat dalam aktivitas yang membuat Anda tertawa untuk meningkatkan fungsi kekebalan tubuh dan ketahanan terhadap penyakit.

4. Olahraga
Latihan akan merevitalisasi tubuh dan pikiran Anda dan Anda akan siap untuk menghadapi apa pun. Olahraga teratur dan aktivitas fisik tidak hanya memperkuat sistem kekebalan tubuh, sistem kardiovaskular, jantung, otot dan tulang, tetapi juga membantu dalam manajemen stres dengan menyediakan gangguan dari situasi stres dan meningkatkan endorfin (merasa-baik tubuh kimia).
Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 20 menit setiap hari adalah semua yang diperlukan untuk pengalaman manfaat. Jadi mendapatkan beberapa memompa darah dan melepaskan beberapa endorfin.
5. Meditasi
Meditasi sangat bagus tidak hanya untuk menghilangkan stres, tetapi juga untuk relaksasi otot. Penelitian telah menunjukkan bahwa meditasi dapat membantu dalam menurunkan tekanan darah.
Cobalah mulai sekarang renungkan untuk memanggil energi positif. Caranya mudah, cukup hanya mengambil nafas panjang dan mengosongkan pikiran Anda. Lakukan meditasi10 menit saja dan reguk manfaatnya.

6. Dengarkan Musik
Apakah Anda terjebak dalam kemacetan lalu lintas atau bersiap untuk hari yang berat di tempat kerja, mendengarkan musik favorit Anda merupakan metode yang bagus untuk mengurangi stres dan menghilangkan kecemasan.
Musik yang menenangkan dapat memiliki efek relaksasi pada gelisah, tegang pikiran. Hal ini juga dapat menurunkan tekanan darah, memperlambat pernapasan dan detak jantung. Cari tahu apa jenis musik yang bisa membantu Anda bekerja yang terbaik dan kemudian membuat koleksi musik untuk membantu Anda rileks dan merasa baik.

7. Pandai-pandailah bersyukur
Bersyukur merupakan cara yang paling ampuh dalam mengatasi stress, bagaimana tidak. karena pada umumnya orang mengalami stress karena tidak kuat dengan apa yang telah terjadi atau keadaan yang menimpanya. Dengan bersyukur kita akan senantiasa ingat bahwa segala sesuatu yang kita peroleh merupakan pemberian dari ALLAH SWT dan seyogyanya kita terima dan kita kerjakan dengan rasa ikhlas.

8. Libatkan indera Anda
Aroma tertentu dapat memiliki efek, menenangkan relaksasi pada keadaan pikiran Anda. Anda dapat mencoba menempatkan lilin lavender, lemon atau chamomile beraroma di sekitar rumah atau kantor Anda. Anda juga dapat menggunakan salah satu dari aroma di kamar mandi Anda.

9. Minum teh hijau
Teh hijau mengandung asam amino, Theanine, yang membantu dalam produksi dan pelepasan bahan kimia yang disebut Dopamin. Kedua Dopamin dan Theanine merangsang perasaan kesejahteraan di dalam tubuh. Namun, kafein dapat memperburuk respon stres, jadi hindari minuman berkafein.

10. Pijat
Pijat seluruh tubuh membantu untuk melepaskan ketegangan dan rasa sakit dari stres otot tegang. Jika Anda tidak pernah mengalami pijat, Anda akan kehilangan salah satu hal paling indah dalam hidup.

Senin, 08 Agustus 2011

assignment psychology part 4 "observation"



2. ALAMAT     :   CINERE MALL , G Fl Unit 20 - 21
                             JL. CINERE RAYA NO 1,JAKARTA
3. TANGGAL OBSERVASI : 08/08/2011

Provide good service

The waiter passive to give suggestion
Appearance a waiter always clean
Unready to serve a lot of guest in a special time 

One of the waitress just focus with her own customer


Has not been applied
Has not been applied
Already applied
Has not been applied

Has not been applied

Apa Yang Salah Dalam Implementasi CARE


very less nimble,seems like the waiter never serve many guest


too friendly

too really not care with the guest needs

assignment psychology part 3

my conclusion of the geese story is...
the story is connect with three things that we should have if we work in hotel accomodation,there are teamwork,motivation,and leadership. we have to look a geese when they flying with "v" formation. that way,can be implement to a real life when we involve in hotel accomodation. for the first thing "teamwork" when a goose gets sick, is injured or gets tired,And he must leave the formation...Other geese leave the formation too, and they fly with him to help him outand protect him.They remain with him until he dies or he is able to fly again. They reach their bevy or they just make another “V” format.. so do we in a hotel when our partner is difficult to do his duty,we are as a good hotelier is must be give a help to achieve one goal together/teamwork. the second thing "motivation" when a goose leaves the
formation,He feels the resistance of the air and the
difficulties of flying alone.. Everyone will be inclined to accept and give help.
in a hotel industry,when your partner is tired,bored,or else we have to give some motivation to built a confidence that was in himself,we care of him,give some support,so he absolutely helpful with our help
the last thing "leadership" When the leader goose gets tired of flying...He goes to the end of the “V” formation. While another goose takes the lead.
That's how we should apply in terms of leadership,actually everyone can be a leader in a specialtime.. when our leader in a hotel is cant working,we can replace him.. in fact we are not replace his position but soul of leader is belong in our self.. so,you can be like the geese!!

assignment psychology part 2

the reason "why costumer leave restoran or hotel" :

1. the place is uncomfortable
2. unsatisfactory service
3. the waiter almost not doing a standard operational procedure in that restaurant or hotel
4. the place always dirty
5. the dishes unmatch with the menu offered
6. competitor in that area
7. less promotion
8. the manager operational not too involved with the restaurant or hotel

assignment psychology part 1

8 of excellence in myself that makes me feel proud and confident is :

1. punctuality
2. easy going
3. polite
4. love communication
5. friendly
6. wise
7. dicipline
8. good looking :)

Jumat, 20 Mei 2011


The origami master
Shima the Origami Master lived alone, high up in the mountains. He never had visitors. His origami kept him company.
One day, a warbler chose the tree in Shima’s backyard for its nest. It flew back and forth, collecting twigs.
When the warbler was done for the day, it sat on a branch and watched Shima doing origami. From time to time, it sang: “Hoohokekyo… hoohokekyo.”
That evening, after Shima went to bed, the warbler flew in through the open doorway and alighted on his desk. It began to fold a piece of paper the way it had seen Shima do.
The next morning, Shima discovered a new paper elephant on his desk. He picked it up and examined it closely. It was simpler and more beautiful than any of the ones he had made. Someone is playing a trick on me, he thought.
Shima threw his elephants away. He decided to make a dragon. In his opinion, his origami dragons were the best in the world.
In the morning, Shima found a magnificent new dragon on his desk. It looked like it was about to come to life and fly back to its lair.
Shima spent the day folding origami spiders. At dusk, he left his best spider on his desk. Then, he hid in the hall. He was determinate to find out who was making the origami.
In the middle of the night, the warbler flew inside and began making an origami spider. Shima watched in amazement. He decided to try to catch the warbler and learn its secrets.
Just after sunrise, Shima hiked down the mountain to the city below.
He bought a large birdcage and a lock, and returned home.
That night, Shima hid under his desk. When the warbler arrived, he caught it and put in the cage.
The warbler cried and beat its wings against the cage, but it could not escape.
Shima brought the warbler his best origami paper - he gathered nuts and berries for it to eat.
But the warbler just stared sadly at the tree, where its nest was waiting.
Shima stayed up all night, making every origami animal he could think of. The warbler did not look at any of them. Finally, as the sun rose in the sky, Shima fell asleep.
When he woke up, he found the cage door open and the warbler gone. The lock was lying next to the cage. Beside it was an origami key.
Shima ran outside. The warbler’s nest was empty. It made Shima sad to think that he had scared the bird away. Then, he saw the warbler returning to the tree with a twig in its beak. He smiled when he heard its beautiful song:
“Hoohokekyo… hoohokekyo.”
Shima realized how much he would miss the warbler if it left. He sat down and began work on something new – an origami nest for the friend he had made and almost lost.
Nathaniel Lachenmeyer
The origami master
Illinois, Albert Whitman & Company, 2008